

Arden Entertainment is delighted to announce that the London run of Starcrossed will commence in 2022. Further details to be announced shortly…

In this Romeo and Juliet re-imagining, Tybalt and Mercutio now fill the roles of the starcrossed lovers born to be enemies. Constructed around Shakespeare’s original dialogue and expanded upon, into a love story of intrigue, scheming and hope, two beloved characters get new life, as they each grow into individuals hoping to find a companion in a world where their sexuality has no voice or champion.  Exploring the battle of defining one’s heart and the ultimate tragedy of the many loves erased from history, Starcrossed is, to its core, the story of what happens when love is stifled.

“Rachel Garnet has done something here that few people have managed. Yes, the play is a re-imagining of a classic story, but so much of it is new, and fresh, and so vitally alive …”  (Broadway World)

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